Tikit Virtual Agent Provides Greater Customization with Help Card

When first introduced, Tikit Virtual Agent either helped your fellow employees create tickets or deflect tickets with answers to common questions using artificial intelligence that you could quickly train. As time has gone on, Tikit Virtual Agent’s capabilities have continued to grow through customization across iconography, branding, serving custom forms, messages and most recently multiple knowledge base responses.

Released this month, Help Card customization for Tikit Virtual Agent seeks to further improve the user experience across the organization. With the Tikit Virtual Agent deployed, something customers are always fine tuning is the artificial intelligence response for returning responses. With Tikit’s latest update, customers now have the ability to fully customize the first experience employees across the organization experience – Tikit Virtual Agent’s Help Card.

Within Bot Configuration, the Tikit Virtual Agent not only allows customization of the content within the card.

But additionally support for introducing buttons that can immediately provide users one click access to:

My Requests

Knowledge Articles


External URLs

Creating New Tickets for a Specific Team

The New Ticket button also brings with it support for the “new ticket” command to quickly create tickets.

Which means regardless of where you are within your AI journey, the Tikit Virtual Agent Help card provides your end user’s a simple, clickable experience to getting exactly what they want all the time, every time, controlled entirely by you.

Interested in More?

Tikit is a Microsoft-aligned ITSM Platform that matures as your organization adopts more Microsoft 365 technology and takes advantage of native integrations with products like Power Automate, Power BI, Azure AD and Intune. It removes barriers between users and data, which improves the employee experience for agents and end users alike.

Want to learn more about Tikit? Check out this demo video and try Tikit in a 14-day free trial. We are so confident in Tikit’s capabilities, we’ll set it up for free to ensure you are getting the most out of your free trial. Schedule your complimentary setup call today. Want to see what’s coming for Tikit or provide input on new features you’d like to see? Check out the Tikit roadmap here to submit new ideas and upvote existing requests.   

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