Modernize and Simplify Your End User Experience

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Resolve End Users' Issues Quickly With AI-Powered Conversations

The Tikit Virtual Agent application is part of Tikit, an IT Service Management platform that natively integrates into the Microsoft Cloud. Tikit Virtual Agent works exclusively for the end users in an organization to submit service requests, report incidents and self-service using the AI-powered service catalog. With an intuitive interface using natural language processing, Tikit Virtual Agent elevates the end user experience and increases engagement by empowering users to self-serve with AI-powered ticket deflection.

Two Unique IT Service Management Experiences Designed for Your Agents and End Users

Tikit is a comprehensive multi-channel ITSM platform built for the Microsoft Cloud. Boasting two innovative channels for both agents and employees, all within a single product. 


Tikit is an intelligent, modern and easy to use service desk for agents. With a native Microsoft Teams application and dedicated web portal for your agents to view, work and track all business requests without disruption to their workflow all on a single platform.  

End Users

A dedicated AI assistant for your end users to request help across Teams, web or email. Tikit Virtual Agent provides your end users a dedicated hub to initiate business requests or report issues, action approvals and receive self-service knowledge with AI-powered ticket deflection. Tikit Virtual Agent is available with your Tikit subscription at no additional charge.

Edit Ticket - Web UI
Tikit in Teams App
Microsoft Teams logo

Support That Goes Where Your End Users Work

In today’s hybrid work environment, you need solutions designed to resolve issues quickly without disrupting the flow of work. Built for the Microsoft Cloud, Tikit Virtual Agent meets your employees where they work, across all platforms and devices for seamless support regardless of how or where they choose to work

Microsoft Teams Desktop/Web
Microsoft Outlook Email
Microsoft Teams Mobile App
Tikit Web App

Make It Easy For End Users To Get What They Need, When They Want

AI-Powered Ticket Deflection

Reduce the burden for your agents and improve the overall end user experience for your most common, recurring business requests with automated service catalog responses delivered via ticket deflection. Agents can train and educate Tikit Virtual Agent seamlessly and allow for its knowledge to grow over time.  

Dedicated End User Web Portal

For end users who prefer a web-based experience, there is an easy-to-use web portal dedicated solely to the end user experience of Tikit. Easily submit, track and update incidents, service requests, and approvals within a dedicated workspace.

Conversational Self-Service Support

End users can easily submit incidents or service requests directly in Tikit Virtual Agent without having to disrupt their natural flow of work. As Tikit Virtual Agent lives in Microsoft Teams, it exists where your employees already work and communicate.  

Gather Information and Route Tickets

With Tikit Virtual Agent’s ability to understand conversational requests, your end users can be delivered business forms designed to gather relevant information before an agent gets involved. Based upon defined business workflows, these service requests can be routed to the appropriate department or individual, reducing time and resources needed to manage the ticket through to resolution.  

Real-time Updates and Feedback

With Tikit Virtual Agent, end users receive real-time updates on their existing requests. Easily check the status, provide an update or revisit a closed ticket in seconds thanks to Tikit Virtual Agent’s intuitive interface and automated notification experience.  

Custom Branding

Tikit Virtual Agent can be customized to meet your organizational branding needs. Easily customize the name, icon, color and description to align with company branding and support naming conventions.

Discover the Power of the ITSM Platform Built for the Microsoft Cloud

Tikit Virtual Agent is the partner application to Tikit, the IT Service Management platform designed for the Microsoft Cloud. Tikit Virtual Agent is not available as a solo application, but only works when the Tikit application has been provisioned from the Microsoft App Store by a Microsoft 365 admin.