6 Tips for Secure File Storage for Your Business

Secure file storage and Mirosoft Teams

What are the odds that your small business would be singled out for a cyberattack? Surprisingly high. In fact, 43 percent of cyberattacks are directed at small businesses, often focused on gaining access to sensitive data, financial or personal information. Taking advanced steps to secure file storage can help reduce your risk. We’ve outlined useful techniques below.

1. Never Be Complacent

It’s a mistake to assume that you’re not big enough to attract attention. In fact, a Symantec study recently found that companies with less than 250 employees were the focus of 36 percent of targeted attacks.

Hackers are in tune with the new technology software developers introduce, and as it becomes more innovative, so do the methods of attack. IT teams must be proactive to find new file storage solutions and digital barriers.

Regular maintenance and tests are recommended to keep security systems up-to-date. Small practices, like keeping operating systems and apps updated, can make a big difference in your degree of vulnerability. But regardless of your business size, secure file storage should always be a priority.

2. Invest in a Professional Business-Grade Protection Service

Protection services can take different forms, including those made for consumer or personal use. A business-grade protection service, however, offers greater defense against security breaches, threats and data leaks–especially given degrees of risk associated with an employee base. You’ll get tools that better control access, process e-discoveries and offer a higher degree of security. It will also save you money in the long run.

3. Choose a Cloud-Based File Storage Service

A file storage service should be simple, fast and accessible for employees working remote or hybrid schedules. A cloud-based file storage service is the best option for most businesses today, offering easier integration, set up, security and coverage.

4. Invest in an Integrated System

Standalone file-sharing software gives employees access and the ability to transfer files from various locations, storage and file tracking. But the more secure option may be one that integrates with other tools being used across the organization. For example, Microsoft offers a variety of applications via M365, including file sharing using Sharepoint or Teams. An integrated system will be easier for your IT team to manage and scales as the company grows.

5. Train Employees

Employees can champion online files and provide a strong defense against cyberattacks, but they need to know how to spot trouble. Training them on common phishing and spoofing scams and best practices for reporting threats to IT is a must. They should understand how to use various company technologies—and what security risks they might encounter, in addition to company policy and guidelines on file sharing.

Keep it Simple

The best way to ensure adoption and secure use is by making sure your file storage system, service and training is simple.

6. Get Secure File Sharing Using TIKIT

TIKIT is an IT service desk solution built exclusively for Microsoft Teams. One of the main benefits of a ticketing systems is that it allows you to streamline communication and ticket management. But did you know that it can also help with secure file sharing? This is because Tikit works within the Microsoft 365 framework and enables end users and analysts to share attachments, images and other files directly in Teams via Tikit.

A ticketing system provides structure for managing tech support requests, and Tikit achieves this in a conversational way. You can limit the threat of email phishing scams by leaning on Microsoft permissions.

Interested in finding out more? We’d be happy to talk you through Tikit’s functionality and connection to the Microsoft ecosystem. Book a call with us today!

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